HMHB News Archive
January - December 2011

Probe Plus Website (21/12/11)

The Probe Plus website has been redesigned, and has moved - it's now at is the place to go.

Quietus article (66/09/11)

Excellent article by Taylor Parkes in today's The Quietus on "The Continuing Brilliance of HMHB".

Quietus interview with Geoff Davies (06/09/11)

An interview with Geoff from April in The Quietus, where he talks about the history of Probe and Probe Plus, and bailiffs, amongst other things...

LP update (30/08/11)

I've just spoken to Geoff about the advance ordering. As you've probably gathered, there have been one or two problems, including some people getting charged for the free postage and whatnot. It's being 'looked at', and Geoff wanted me to reassure everyone that they will only pay £9.25 inc postage - if the odd partial refund is necessary, bear with him :-) Release date is still 26th Sept; CDs should be arriving a Probe Plus tomorrow, not sure about the vinyl yet.

A bit of news about the recording - it was done at Parr Street studios, the super posh complex in Liverpool as used by your Coldplays etc of this world. Geoff managed to negotiate a couple of sessions in the 'downtime' between major artists, and as a result, the engineering is apparently superb (this might have something to do with the return of the vinyl release).

LP pre-ordering (24/08/11)

Geoff tells me the new CD (cat. no. Probe65CD) will be £9.25 including postage from the webshop - Probe Plus Store - release date is 26 Sept, although he should be taking delivery of them around the middle of next week (so presumably they won't be at Cardiff). There will also be a vinyl + CD release (Probe65), price still to be decided.

T-shirt prices have unfortunately gone up by a pound, due to a 10% price hike by the manufacturer, and the VAT increase at the start of the year.

New LP surfacing... (16/08/11)

Allegedly out on either 19/26 September, the new LP 90 Bisodol (Crimond) has surfaced on Amazon and Virgin Media... tracklisting is thus:
  1. Something's Rotten In The Back Of Iceland
  2. RSVP
  3. Tommy Walsh's Eco House
  4. Joy In Leeuwarden (We Are Ready)
  5. Excavating Rita
  6. Fun Day In The Park
  7. Descent Of The Stiperstones
  8. Left Lyrics In The Practice Room
  9. L'Enfer C'est Les Autres
  10. Fix It So She Dreams Of Me
  11. The Coroner's Footnote
  12. Rock And Roll Is Full Of Bad Wools

Interview with Geoff Davies (27/04/11)

An interview with Geoff Davies by Carlos Slazenger on OO-EE-OO-AH-AH-TING-TANG-WALLA-WALLA-BING-BANG! show 3...

February Bido Lito! (26/01/11)

February's edition of Bido Lito!, a Liverpool music magazine, has an interview with Nigel: click here.

January Record Collector (01/01/11)

January's Record Collector celebrates the 25th anniversary of Back In The D.H.S.S. (slightly late): click here.

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