The Assembly, Leamington Spa, Thu 15th September 2011 (18/09/11)

Micky Bates:

Our gang of four set off from Leicester about 6.15pm riving at 7.00pm giving us ample time for a pre match "cuff" thanks to our travelling companion Kev AKA "The Bard of Quorn", The hostelry in question was The Talbot, not a million miles away but his trusty "Good Beer Guide" helped us find the place in the maze of narrow roads. Several pints later we left in plenty of time to see the final three quarters of JD Meatyard's very good set which included a first class "MySpace Star".

The main event of the evening started at approx 9.10pm with a top notch "Shit Arm Bad Tattoo" a few songs later and the opening bars of "Dickie Davies" were hauntingly stuck, I love this song, one of my top 5 I would say. The highlight of the evening (for a few of us anyway) was having Nigel giving "The Bentleys Roof Boys" a shout just before "Bob Wilson". For those who don't know of which there must be 1 or 2 "Bentleys Roof" is a Leicester City Fans Message board who have a very healthy HMHB fan base amongst our ranks.

National Shite Day was aimed at the Warwickshire CCC's failure to win the County Championship (snigger) Doreen was a nice surprise and a very funny 24HR Garage People involved a lot of banter. Harry Quinn made me up as I've been playing "MTaD" for the last fortnight!

Jim Baines' win was the pools not the lottery and he also had an affair with Sharon Metcalfe from the garage, I knew the Jim's real name as well!!

"Light At The End Of The Tunnel" brought proceedings to a close for a few minutes the "Fucking Hell its Fred Titmus" got the encore under way in style ans the nights "cover" was Magazine's "A Song from Under the Floorboards" and the time bell rang after "We Built this Village" A Great gig with the added bonus of a copy of "90 Bisodol" to play when I got home, again and again...