The Assembly, Leamington Spa, Thu 28th January 2010 (01/02/10)

Maria Kelly:

Only my second hmhb gig (I live in Dublin. They don't travel so I have to but travelling overseas for a gig requires more money and organisation than the gigs I usually go to so it doesn't happen as often as I would like) so I'm not sure how qualified I am to do a review but I'll give it a go anyway.

The first time we saw them was in Glasgow last year and I thought the set list for that gig was a bit better than the Leamington Spa one but some of that could be down to the hyperness I had at my first time seeing them. But I thought the Arches in Glasgow as a bit of a kip and just not a very good venue overall but the Assembly had everything. The sound quality was perfect- down to being able to understand every word Nigel said. There were a few handy steps near the sound man where a person of 5 foot could get a perfect view. And it just seemed like a much more relaxed audience and gig altogether.

I mainly go to concerts to hear decent variations and alternative takes on great songs so the highlights for me were the version of Trumpton Riots, the extended version of 24 Hour Garage People and the Irk the Purists with the drum solo. I didn't write down a setlist as I was again too hyper but myself and the husband have resolved to go to a hmhb gig every year that we can afford for as long as they continue so maybe I'll try harder next time.