Bath Komedia, Thu 6th August 2009 (10/08/09)

Philip Taylor:

I've got fur in my kettle and a film on my teeth; I've been living in Newton Mill, Bath.

Firmly re-established on Terra Manca after our highly enjoyable Dalliance with the world of camping, in which a highly charged game of Trivial Pursuit Team was had (Elvis's first Number 1 being the difference between my team and Kitty's) and two cups of coffee went unpaid for in a very Punk Fuck You gesture from Jules! (Ok, the miserable old sod behind the bar, think of Arthur from Auf Wiedersehen Pet 2, forgot to charge for them.)

Komedia was a very grand venue, and although there was too much echo on the Mic (too much echo on the Mic) the sound was fine unlike Roadwater the previous evening so I'm told. (I bet the sound was perfect if you stood just where the Marrows were sold). They also did excellent Big Jugs of Beer, where you got 6 pints for less than the price of 4, which helped make it an even more enjoyable evening (especially for Loop's brother Matt!). Twas funny the next day when we were waiting in a Bus Shelter to catch the Park and Ride into Bath, and we were discussing how great these Massive Jugs were, only to turn round and see a girl with the biggest pair of Norks in Avon/Somerset who must have thought we were taking the piss and we genuinely weren't! (although we may have pushed our luck in saying we were looking forward to seeing the Enormous Knockers on the doors of Bath Abbey).

Having an 'in' with the band does make these very interesting occasions. We are going to see U2 at the Millennium Stadium in a couple of weeks, and I expect to be shown the same level of courtesy, i.e. huddling under a doorway with Edge, Adam and Larry eating chips that taste like Donuts, whilst Bono stays in the dressing room drinking Lemon and Ginger Tea....Rock and indeed, Roll.

The gig started with Fred Titmus and NB57 seemed to be showing no signs of the dodgy Fleetwood that troubled him the night before. 1966 and All That was a definite rarity, the Pringles were on special offer at 75p and Kissing Cousins by Elvis was the cover (but sadly, not his first Number 1).

Personal highlight for me of course came with the re-appearance of The 5th Biscuit Loop, who provided Cornet on Gubba Lookalikes, and special thanks to the guy in the front row who provided NB57 with the words.

A full setlist will follow from Cresswell (complete with boyish new Michael McIntyre mop). We can't do Leeds but roll on Sheffield!