Bath Komedia, Thu 6th August 2009 (08/08/09)

Roger Green:

Some of the publicity for this show was interesting. "Post-rock legends" according to the venue's own literature. While the Bath Chronicle went a little further, talking about a band "famed for making ill-tempered music with a social conscience". I'll have some of that.

I did my usual trick of getting lost in strange towns, but dropped lucky eventually. There was a fair queue in the rain outside Komedia, so I dropped into the Ladbrokes across the road to throw away three quid on a total waster, before heading in to the gig. Plenty of familiar faces from Roadwater the previous night. The travelling army will soon be big enough to fill a minibus. Security at these things is not always a pleasure to behold, but the two guys covering this evening seemed pleasant enough. For the first time ever, I saw someone seemingly fall asleep leant against one of the monitors at the front of the stage. They dealt with that situation perfectly well.

In between songs, we heard about Nigel's disdain for people who complain in advance about the officials at your team's next match. And also it seems there had been a near-miss for Ken during the afternoon when he nearly got run over by a City Tour bus.

Fuckin' 'Ell It's Fred Titmus
Lock Up Your Mountain Bikes
Restless Legs
Took Problem Chimp To The Ideal Home Show
Petty Sessions
Four Skinny Indie Kids
Floreat Inertia
The Light At The End Of The Tunnel
Foot Up In Europe
1966 And All That
Bob Wilson Anchor Man
For What Is Chatteris
We Built This Village On A Trad Arr Tune
Blue Badge Abuser
Trumpton Riots
Paintball's Coming Home
National Shite Day
Bad Losers On Yahoo Chess
Turned Up Clocked On Laid Off
Twenty-Four Hour Garage People
The Bastard Son Of Dean Friedman
Totnes Bickering Fair
Gouranga Gouranga
Vatican Broadside
Running Order Squabble Fest
Gubba Lookalikes (featuring Victoria on trumpet)
Joy Division Oven Gloves

and three songs as usual in the encore

Kissing Cousins
Everything's AOR
I Hate Nerys Hughes

It was a lively evening in the pit, reaching a crescendo with Nerys Hughes. I didn't realise that I hate her quite so much. A grand night out, as usual. And the following day it was good to compare notes with Howie and Gomez on the train going back up north. There's already a provisional agreement to meet again at the front at the Leeds show.