Bath Komedia, Thu 6th August 2009 (07/08/09)


A fantastic night despite the slightly dodgy acoustics of the venue. Plenty of old classics played tonight, took me back to the first time I saw then 19 years ago which makes me feel old.


Fuckin' 'Ell It's Fred Titmus
Lock Up Your Mountain Bikes
Restless Legs
Took Problem Chimp to Ideal Home Show
Petty Sessions
Four Skinny Indie Kids
Floreat Inertia
The Light at the End of the Tunnel (Is the Light of an Oncoming Train)
I Went to a Wedding (end)
1966 and All That
Bob Wilson - Anchorman
For What is Chatteris
We Built This Village on a Trad. Arr. Tune
Blue Badge Abuser
Trumpton Riots
Paintball's Coming Home
National Shite Day
Bad Losers on Yahoo Chess
Turned Up, Clocked On, Laid Off
Twenty Four Hour Garage People (Pringles were on special offer at 75p)
Bastard Son of Dean Friedman
Totnes Bickering Fair
Twydale's Lament (end)
Vatican Broadside
Running Order Squabble Fest
Gubba Look-a-likes
Joy Division Oven Gloves

Kissin' Cousins (Elvis Presley)
Everything's AOR
I Hate Nery Hughes (from the Heart)