The Robin 2, Bilston, Mon 3rd December (07/12/07)

Max Worrall:

My fourth Biscuits gig, and all in all a pretty good un, as a local-ish lad, anything they do at the fantastic Robin 2 will eclipse the Stourbridge one a few years back. At first i was mildly disappointed there was no '24 Hours', or caravan guitar, but as i came away from the venue decided i was glad they mixed things up a bit.

The projection screen before hand did indeed announce upcoming fantastic tribute acts and was briefly tempted to shout for 'Tour Jacket' because of that, but then thought 'no, on many different levels'.

Seeing the blue van doesnt half warm the heart, im sure it was parked in exactly the same place as last time.

Venue seemed fuller than previous Bilston gig, but i couldnt get me mates to come with me this time...the Wulfrun again next time around? They just dont want to go to ...Bilston.

Excellent all round, including sound quality, banter, and choice of tunes.