The Robin 2, Bilston, Thu 31st August 2006 (03/09/06)

Roger Green:

Another venue with a top pub just round the corner. The White Rose is worth a mention and certainly worth a visit if ever you are in Bilston.

This was the best the band has played so far this year. Certainly the comedy element as they walked on stage helped - with Nigel having to be reminded to plug his guitar in. He is certainly hung up about his local pizza takeaway's inability to spell "Hawaiian" as well - "sloppy work on the menu means sloppy work in the kitchen". If he ever comes to Pontefract I could take him to a place that serves hyphenated ice cream. The reference to The Shend in "Footprints" prompted me to play The Very Things' "The Bushes Scream While My Daddy Prunes" when I got home. A future cover version? Oh, and a standing ovation for the comment on the re-make of The Wicker Man. It was bad enough when The Ladykillers got slaughtered recently. And now this. Is nothing out of the sight of these butchers? I also wrote down something about "Greensleeves", but can't remember what that was all about. Here's what they played...

Irk The Purists
Lock Up Your Mountain Bikes
Shit Arm Bad Tattoo
Reflections In A Flat
We Built This Village
San Antonio Foam Party
CORGI Registered Friends
The Light At The End Of The Tunnel
For What Is Chatteris
Running Order Squabble Fest
Look Dad No Tunes
Joy Division Oven Gloves
When The Evening Sun Goes Down
Trumpton Riots
Secret Gig
Twenty-Four Hour Garage People
Thems The Vagaries
Bad Review
Vatican Broadside
Tending The Wrong Grave
Fred Titmus
Everything's AOR

The encore was

Twydale's Lament
I Hate Nerys Hughes

I won't be around for the Holmfirth gig, so someone else will have to be sure to either grab a set list or do the trainspotter thing, which is the way I do it, just in case there are any last-minute amendments. Shame, as it is a grand venue, an old cinema with seats still in place at the back of the hall, and a fine view from the balcony. And look out for the band abseiling onto stage from the lofty height of the dressing room. I'm hoping to be at the Edinburgh gig whenever it happens to be. There seems to still be some confusion over the date of it.