Brampton Live Festival, Carlisle, 22nd July 2006 (24/07/06)

Simon Ratcliffe:

The reason I decided to go to Brampton was because HMHB were playing. This was my first HMHB gig and my first festival for years and years so I was really looking forward to the whole weekend and the Saturday evening in particular when HMHB were due to play. We camped in the field next to the marquee where the gig was to be held. As a warm up to the gig we got to hear the sound checks. At first we weren't sure exactly who was warming up but when all the drums were ready! HMHB launched into a three gig warm up. We could hear perfectly from our tent so as soon as they started the warm up we all got up dancing outside our tent (that's me, the wife Ann and the kids, Katie 12, Amy 8 and James 5.) Im not sure what everyone else thought who were camped near us, but I had had a couple of drinks by then so I didnt really care. We had a great time dancing full on. The warm up consisted of When the evening sun goes down, The light at the end of the tunnel and another song which I cant remember at the moment. It was great fun to have our own personal HMHB gig at our tent and when they finished the actual gig couldnt come fast enough.

When the time came for the evening gigs, on our way down to the marque we saw a few Dukla Prague Away kits. At the gig, first up was the great Andy Kerhaw to introduce the evenings events. Then it was Chris Jaggers Atcha! They got everyone dancing, were very lively and entertaining. Andy then did a short interview with "Mick's little brother", all very interesting im sure. After a short break it was time for the main event.

The gig was excellent, a team of Dukla Prague Away shirts were huddled down the front, the place was full and it seemed like everyone was dancing to the music, singing along, laughing at the lyrics or most people were doing all three at the same time. Most people at the gig seemed familiar with HMHB so I guess a large number of the people at the gig had, like me, came especially to the festival to see HMHB. There were others who probably hadnt heard of HMHB but were still joining in the evenings fun. Song after song came and went, my memory is terrible so I cant pretend to remember all the songs they played, but there was plenty of them. They played most of my favourites including one of my particular favourites at the moment - Joy Division oven gloves. They also played my kids favourite - Paintballs coming home (They call it the b&q song) had us all singing along. No restless legs though, never mind, hopefully next time. I will definately have to go to another HMHB gig, sooner rather than later. The in between song banter was hilarious, Nigel gazing into the distance and issuing some hilariously cutting remarks. At one point he seemed to go off in a world of his own which had the rest of the band looking a bit non plussed as to what was going on but still laughing along like the rest of us to the hilarious impromptu performance. Cover song for the evening was a rousing version of Magazine's "Shot By Both Sides".

Unfortunately the end of the night came all too soon, after one encore that was it. The place emptied and it was time to find our tent in the dark after a truely brilliant nights entertainment. Andy Kershaw said at the start of the gig it was HMHB Bramton debut but he was sure they would be back. I will definately be going back to Brampton next year, I just hope HMHB (and their restless legs) do too.