Liverpool, 13th October 2005 (17/10/05)

Gerry Matthews:

Having made the gruelling 30 minute long haul flight from Dublin I took my place in the buzzing Liverpool Academy and was impressed with Marlowe who certainly warmed up the crowd and the venue! To the strains of the Cagney and Lacey theme tune (?) the four lads took to the stage and for the next two hours made a good attempt at playing every song ever recorded. Was surprised at the early playing of "Fred Titmus" and totally estatic on hearing "Country Practice" just before the encore. By that time was it just me, or my Jet-Lag, or did the Academy resemble the inside of an oven after two hours on full heat?

I think the lads were suffering too but it was all in a good cause and the huge crowd were certainly treated to a fine gig. Was impressed with the songs from the new CD and I think "JD Oven Gloves" is well on its way to becoming a live favourite. I was almost expecting to see them on sale downstairs afterwards. Only gripe with the venue was the bar closing immediately after the concert. I was gagging for a drink!