Liverpool, 13th October 2005 (14/10/05)

Phil Taylor:

"This machine kills Wasps"....I said to the confused lady on the Merseyrail bone shaker to Lime Street...a wasp was flying round the carriage and I had my book ready to squash the little fcuker....just another PBR as the biscuits rolled into Liverpool for the first time since a Tory govt.

Having met up with Nick, we dismantled in The Excelsior to thoroughly lubricate our chains and were soon joined by the charming Paul (pars fan),where we put the world to rights and guffawed at Nicks inability to get any lyrics right...dial a weatherman indeed.

After a couple of Nigerian Lagers in The Ship and Mitre it was off to Ma Eggys...the landlady must have thought Everton had been let back into Europe judging by the amount of DPAK's on display.

The roll call included Lowie and his virgins,lovely kitty and lovely kittys lovely mate,ishmael/OSM/Rodney Marsh,wobble,loop,Miss Tranmere,Birkenheadache,Mr C(inevitable really),Mrs C(not as inevitable and great to meet her) and former forumista Julie, complete with a real birkenheadache (Nurofen and lager..I told you,you'll be fine).

Having realised I've met Mr Birkenheadache before (check out The Jalapenos (sp?)...great band) we headed into the venue eager to see marklowe supporting but were disappointed to find it was marlowe.

Having bumped into Freedo and his bird in the venue we settled down for the show and the boys were on fine fine form.

"We built this city" could well be the new gig anthem and all the songs played off AB were well received.Over zealous security prevented me from robbing a setlist (wheres Leese when you need her?) but the set ranged from Len Ganley Stance right through to JDOG complete with Loop waving her gloves with gusto.

"I think we're alone now" by Tiffany was the surprise cover version and I have a new found respect for that song rather than just something played in Walkabout during 80's megamixes....maybe NB57 thinks the biscuits career mirrored that of Tiffany...all the success came early...people saying "is she still going?" and "didn't she sing John Kettley is a Wellergram?"...Nigel's playboy centrespread can't be far away.

All in all a fantastic gig in some lovely company...if yeez want a cathedral they've got one to spare and Liverpool put on a great show.