Nottingham Rescue Rooms, Thu 10th February (11/02/05)

Chippy Minton aka Gary Hosker:

Another quality gig which I took two HMHB virgins to after declaring to them for years that they're a really good band. Arrived somewhat late just as MJ were finishing and was quite surprised at just how packed it was, with a few, but only a few familiar faces nearby (but then again as my wife was there I was a bit further away from the moshpit than usual). My recollection of the playlist was somewhat hazy, but I reckon they played, in some sort of order, but definitely not the order they were played in........

F**kin Ell it's Fred Titmus
Trumpton Riots
Everything's AOR
Improv Workshop Mimeshow Gobsh*te
Running Order Squabble Fest
Turned Up Clocked On Laid Off
Quality Janitor
Eno Collaboration
PRS Yearbook
Monmore Hare's Running
Secret Gig
Third Track Main Camera Four Minutes
Used To Be In Evil Gazebo
Look Dad No Tunes
24 Hour Garage People
Lark Descending
Vatican Broadside
Tending The Wrong Grave For 23 Years
Hallelujah....leading into the end of.....I Went To A Wedding
Corgi-Registered Friends
Asparagus Next Left
For What is Chatteris
Joy Division Oven Gloves
The Light At The End Of The Tunnel (Is The Light Of An Oncoming Train)
Thems The Vagaries

Somewhere around an hour and forty-five minutes of quality music, Joy Division Oven Gloves and For What is Chatteris sounded particularly good live (as did the rest but it's always nice to be impressed by newer tracks).

Other than that I don't know what to stated in the first review I've never seen a bad HMHB gig, and I'm sure I never will......and if I enthuse too much I reckon I could be bordering on freaky groupie type status (especially now I know that Nigel didn't have any fishcakes on the day of the gig, very bizarre).

My wife thought it was great (after being forced to listen to them for almost 20 years she had to!), my mate who's in the band Psychochocolate and only knew a couple of their songs was very impressed, and a blinkin' good night was had by all.........roll on Sheffield.

P.S. £45 for a book on Reincarnation, how d'ya get your money back if it doesn't work?

P.P.S. Highlight of my night was the two blokes in front of me shouting "AOR" in between every song, and not actually recognising it until Kendo Nagasaki was mentioned!

P.P.P.S. Nigel, if you're ever struggling, I can remember the words to Evil Gazebo!