Newcastle Northumbria University, Thu 12th August (14/8/04)

Kitty McDermott:

There was a quality janitor shouting at everyone on the campus outside, which set the tone perfectly. Smaller and more relaxed than Edinburgh, with a bit more banter from Nigel. The Ken Fan Club were present, Nigel stuck his plectrum on his head, and everyone was being very silly indeed. Fucking ace!

Set list much the same as in Edinburgh, but Fred Titmus first and Harry Quinn second. (Edinburgh's Dido became Del Amitri here). Third Track Main Camera sounded even better than it had the night before. The best "24 Hour Garage People" I've heard yet, replete with special offer Pringles, "Bird on a Wire" bit, and Nigel considering telling the assistant to "Calm down dear, it's just a commercial." If you'd closed your eyes it could have been Michael Winner himself! (A sinister thought). By the way, forgive savage ignorance, but does anyone know what the snippet was leading into 24 Hour Garage people? Something about a midnight train climbing a hill (or a train climbing a midnight hill) or something...

A top "Pancake Day" with a sort of country and western bounce to it, and great to hear the end of I Went to a Wedding. ("I just fancied doing that," Nigel explained.)

The crowd were a bit more sedate than in Edinburgh, so less moshing, though one group were giving it some welly and clearly enjoying themselves no end.

More improv mime from Nigel during Evil Gazebo - this time the little gesture everyone makes when they're talking about table tennis. (Some Sturmey Archer gear changes going on in Harry Quinn, now I remember.) I'm still hoping to see the giant friendly bear from Stafford, though.

Much amusement when Nigel requested one of the spotlights be turned off (or pointed at Ken instead), as it was making his head too hot. Someone yelled "You're the best band in the world!" with a passion that was almost heartbreaking... We all applauded. Neil looked bemused.

Set list meant we got a bit of everything, so no complaints whatsoever. Went back to the Travelodge happy as ... a Biscuitista who's just seen two gigs in a row. Didn't even care that they'd neglected to provide us with a free shampoo. (The Travelodge, that is.)


By the way, I thought Indigo Colony were very good. I especially liked the one about going out. So good luck to them boys.