St Leonard's Sports and Social Club, Stafford, 7th July 2004 (12/7/04)


The Hull contingent of the Biscuit following headed out over hill and yonder in a Westerly direction at about 5pm. The feeling was one of anticipation, tinged with the need for a suitable toilet break at about half way.

After various detours, and hints to Loop that I had a road atlas in the car, we finally made it to Stafford, only to realise that we didn't know where the venue was! Step forward nice bloke going to his Ford Focus who showed us the way. Thank you him.

He stopped outside the venue, in the form of St Leonard's Sports & Social Club. It was attached to a large factory, and we duly pulled into the more than adequate car parking facilities (with numbered bays) fully appreciating the well tarmaced surface, and security services nearby. Good drainage by the look of it as well.

Time wasn't wasted on this, as we were running late, and we could hear the familiar twang of the mighty Biscuit inside.

Walking past various social club rooms (wondering if one hosts the Egyptological society); we proceeded straight into the less than full cavernous hall that was the gig. Reminding me of my old school assembly hall, we went straight down the front, and found some familiar faces stage left. We made our hellos, and found that we'd missed Fred Titmus. He makes his appearance most gigs, so we weren't too upset.

Stood watching from a distance, there wasn't much activity except one guy bouncing nearby. He then made his way to the front where the bouncing continued. Tempted myself, I waited for an opportune moment to make my move to the front. The moment came in the form of Light at the End of the Tunnel. Best exercise I get all week.

The absence of the Rotherham sad t*** shouting "What did God give us Neil?" was a welcome relief, yet was adequately replaced by requests for just about every other song they ever did.

When 24hr Garage People came along (as it often does), I made a bet with bouncing guy for what price he would be charged at the garage. At £1.26, I got nearest. His plot for a free drink back fired, better luck next time kid. The stage invasion was a new one, and showed once again the power of the Biscuit. The second time he did though, the moment had passed, and I think Nigel was getting a bit miffed.

When Footsteps came along, this old timer welcomed the change in pace to get my breathe back.

Additional verses for Paintball included:

"They lost 4 stone on the Atkins diet"

"He painted a St George cross on his face,
He painted a St George cross on his face,
He painted a St George cross on his face,
And he's 44 years old"

The additional of:

"They didn't choose their cat, the cat chose them,
They didn't choose their cat, the cat chose them,
They didn't choose their cat, the cat chose them,
And it's got its own fucking website"

from the Manchester gig was of course more than welcome.

Some more promising new material that's seems to be in the pipeline, about bogus officials and the like, and quips to the audience who shout stuff out all added to an excellent evening. Here's hoping that the next new release isn't too far away.

Overall, a top night. Good to meet up with some friendly familiar faces, and meet a new one. The exact set list will be up on other reviews.

A set forecast for the 7th July 2004 based on releases is as follows:

DHSS - Good ACD - Few, more could be
McIntyre, Treadmore and Davitt - Fair to middling
Leaden Pall - Good, regular
Godcore - Absent
Voyage to the Bottom of the Road - Good,
Four Lads Who Shook the Wirral - Showed promise, but failed to make it,
Trouble Over Bridge Water - Very Good,
Cammell Laird Social Club - Very good
Other releases - Well spread.

Overall - Usual suspects.

And that concludes the set forecast for the 7th July 2004.