St Leonard's Sports and Social Club, Stafford, 7th July 2004 (8/7/04)

Mr Blue Sky:

"I'll be sat at the bar of The Nelson, big bloke with Bill Bailey hair" said Tony the taxi driver. Having been to Wetherspoons for a spot of tea and picking up a referee on the way,we entered The Nelson to be greeted by a big bloke sat at the bar with Bill Bailey hair.Welcome to Stafford.

With the sorely missed Kitty and Lowie having produced notes from their Mums and with Wobble and Loops en route,we met up with the travelling Scotsmen and The 3 Amigos;Messrs Cresswell,Field and Sant.

Upon arrival at St Leonards,I instantly thought we had stumbled upon the Air Force Base gig from Spinal Tap,it wasn't your usual venue thats for sure.

After adequate support from some bloke who tried too hard to be John Cooper Clarke,some acoustic type who looked like Angel (from Buffy,not Scum) and 4 Jacks and a Jill,the Biscuit took to the stage with Fred Titmus.

There were no new songs as such,but we were treated to snippets of "Bogus Official" and a wonderful Lulu pastiche of Shout.

"Bastard Taxi Drivers...SHITE!
Dozy Shop Assistants...SHITE!
Bus Replacement Service...SHITE!
Weddings Generally...SHITE!"

Then came a fully fledged Terror Alert! Some mandetory Galoot climbed on stage to duet with Nigel during 24 Hour Garage People. The Security put down their crossword to help the invader climb down off the stage!

When he repeated his act later, Blackwells crisps were upped to Defcon 1 as they were in real danger of a walk by stealing!

"All Chiropodists...SHITE!
Price of Cod and Chips...SHITE!
Good Ventriliquists...SHITE!
Tantric Sex is probably...SHITE!"

Other stage invaders tried to make off with the set list but never stood a chance against Leese who had boxed one off already!

That set list in full...

B.Wilson(changed to John Barnes Anchorman!)
Wrong Grave
Foam Party
Lark D.
Light Tunnel
Gazebo (complete with Nige getting very animated at the Giant Friendly Bear)
24 Hour Garage
Tonight Matthew
Turned Up
Look Dad

Blind Eye(not played)

At the end of the day we all said our goodbyes and set off to battle the elements.

Roll on Edinburgh and Newcastle!