The Boardwalk, Sheffield, 19th February (23/02/04)

Nick Hart:

After meeting up with some fellow Biscuitiers at Bankers Daft for the first time, we made our way to the hallowed ground that is the Boardwalk. HMHB's natural environment.

Set list is on other reviews, but from the moment they came on, I knew it was going to be a good'un. I noticed more old stuff than usual, which is good for those "wow are they still going, I remember them" type people.

The trend of wearing a Biscuit reference continues, with a guy down the front in a Barbor jacket. Mind you he took it off later on (presumably so he'd feel the benefit). May such dedication continue.

The mosh pit got quite intense, and I probably lost a few stone in the process. Great fun, and always friendly.

Such is the passion of Biscuit fans, Loops got a snog off a random bloke! Had to rescue her in the end. Takes all sorts I suppose.

It was good to hear snippets of new lyrics of course. And a few tracks that are rarely heard including Ecclesiastical Perks - one of the more obscure songs of the evening. I'm still waiting for them to do Mr Cave's a Window Cleaner Now. One day perhaps.

The cover was another fine choice (The Only Ones - Another Girl Another Planet), and by the time they made their feeling known about Nerys Hughes I was about to drop, and my voice couldn't of joined in with anymore classics.

This, as always, was followed by the conversation "they didn't do......."

Top night all round.

Here's to the next outing, and hope to meet up with newly aquainted forumisters again (may have to be re-introduced to some as am terrible with names).