Manchester, Fri 28th November (29/11/03)

David Craig:

Well, Haven't seen the lads in a venue that big since the 80's, and it did seem packed so I guess well over a 1,000 there. Downside, big barrier in the way of the stage so no set lists for nicking.

SO here goes for the gig:

First up an American guy that thought he sang humorous songs called Mark Silverman - absolutely awful, not funny, swearing for the sake of it, unintelligent - avoid at all costs - "a no rosette's situation" for Mr Silverman.

Next Hovis Presley - brilliant! great fun throughout despite the clown that heckled him at the start well worth seeing again.

And then the band, Opened with a well overdue Sealclubbing and ran through about two hours on stage of every track you could ever ask for (although no Trumpton Riots, Country Practice or Nerys Hughes so forget my last statement!) BUT we did get Light At The End Of The Tunnel, Fred Titmus, Uffington, Evil Gazebo, Lark Descending, Everything's AOR, Bad Review, Squabblefest, Room Looks Bigger, Jarg Armani, Tending The Wrong Grave, DOREEN!!!!!!, Monmore Hare's Running, PRS Yearbook (and a very fine rendition it was too), San Antonio Foam Party, Pancake Day, 24 Hour Garage People (Pringles at £1.05 this time and well done to Roger for guessing correctly), CAMRA Man, Improv Workshop Mimeshow Gobshite, Look Dad No Tunes, Slipknot, Footprints with a bit of Bird On A Wire; can't remember any others except for the most fabulous encore of What Do I Get? by The Buzzcocks.

If I've left any out (which I think I have), feel free to update. (oh yes they also did the foot up in Europe bit of I Went To A Wedding).

Great gig, band on good form, please keep it coming. Got my tickets for Sheffield already so see you all there.

Last thing, There was a bloke (good natured lad) in the audience who kept asking "what did God give us Neil?" with no answer supplied from the stage but I do believe he asked it over 50 times so if there are any Evangelicals out there, there's a man wearing an HMHB tee-shirt who needs you.