Manchester, Fri 28th November (29/11/03)

Roger Green:

Two very contrasting support acts - one a sort of clever-clever guitarist who was keen to let us know about his wife being a slut, and later conveyed the joys of "eating pussy". Normally the kind of act that would make me retire to the bar, but on this occasion I was holding position at the front of the stage. He was followed by the splendid Hovis Johnson. We all know people who can just reel off one joke/poem/story after another. This is the only one I can remember. "I went to the doctors and said I had an ear infection. He said 'What are the symptoms?' I said they are an American TV cartoon family".

Then came the main act. I should know these things, but I think the fanfare was a bit of Mozart. The set didn't contain any songs that are not in the shops, apart from the usual bits and pieces that are probably being worked on, but its a while since I heard Doreen.

Thankfully there was no response to the guy near the front who time and time again kept shouting "What did God give us, Neil?". I counted it fifty-one times in all, including quite a few during other songs. He may well have got a lot higher than that, but we clapped him when he got to the half-century nevertheless.

An extended version of Paintball included the excellent line "They didn't choose their cat, it chose them". And it's got its own website! It only came to an end when Ken tapped Nigel on the shoulder to tell him that they had overrun their slot. Even so, they still found time to slip in a splendid version of What Do I Get? to finish off.

Nigel very selfishly took his set list off with him, and the set-up with barriers made a stage invasion an impossibility without ladders and abseiling gear. Jobsworth stage crew meant we left empty handed. Never mind, eh. Looks like all roads lead to Sheffield now.