London, Fri 17th October (18/10/03)

David Craig:

Great gig.

The lads looked relaxed and we had a great set again with a few "off piste" numbers. The sound was a bit pants at first but got better, Neil's set up seemed to struggle for the first few songs in particular. Crowd good natured and fairly squashed up front limiting the jumping up and down potential despite vigorous attempts. Nigel losing the guitar for a few tracks and just singing plus plenty banter. Amazing cover of Holidays in Cambodia for the encore and after much calling for it AOR.

Manchester beckons!

Here's the set list

Light at the end of the tunnel
Running order squabble fest
It makes the room look bigger
Bastard son of Dean Friedman
Uffington Wassail
Lark Descending
If I had possession
Fred Titmus
Improv, workshop, mimeshow, gobshite
Monmore hare running
Tending the wrong grave
Bad review
PRS Yearbook into Vatican Broadside
Emerging from gorse
Blood on the quad
All I want for Christmas is a Dukla Prague away kit
On reaching the Wensum
24 hour garage people
San Antonio foam party
Look Dad, no tunes
Jarg Armani
I hate Nerys Hughes

Encore: Holiday in Cambodia (oh yes! - magnificent stuff for us aging punks)
Everything's AOR

the set list also calls for slippers but they didn't play it could this be the end of slipper writing as a Saturday night pub alternative?