London, Fri 17th October (18/10/03)

Roger Green:

I'm running out of words to describe this band. But here goes anyway...

Just another run of the mill top drawer gig. It seems that the days of playing in rural retreats are in the past now. Here is another city centre gig, packed to capacity. Jammed in at the front with crushed ribs I can report first-hand on a healthy mosh pit. Before the gig a fellow punter had come up to me in "The Tottenham" and told me that he had had to shell out £40 to a tout for the privelege!! This certainly never happened in Matlock Bath and shows the leaps HMHB have made in recent times.

The stage crew tend to get very defensive about their territory but where there's a will there's a way, and a top bit of teamwork got David onto the stage to grab a couple of set lists.

Light At The End Of The Tunnel
Room Look Bigger
Dean Friedman
Lark Descending
Pancake Day
Fred Titmus
Improv Workshop
Wrong Grave
Bad Review
PRS Yearbook
Blood On The Quad
Dukla Prague
24 hour Garage
Foam Party
Look Dad
Jarg Armani
Nerys Hughes

And the encore
Holiday In Cambodia

although I can't remember them doing Slippers. Also, Trumpton Riots, or whatever it's called these days, was notable by its absence. But the cover of Holiday In Cambodia was a pleasant surprise. I remember them improvising the into a while back, but can't think that they've ever done the whole thing.

So, on to Manchester. Book early, because that'll probably sell out as well.