London, Fri 17th October (17/10/03)

Mike Cresswell:

A short comment on tonight's exertions at the Mean Fiddler, cos I've got to get to bed. Big game in the morning (golf), but I haven't got one of them long putters, fortunately.

As you might expect, top quality stuff, a few nice sharp comments lobbed in between songs and a couple of gaffs, which tickled Nigel and the audience.

The highlight for me was the superbly ad libbed version of 24 Hour Garage People, which was just hilarious. Really hit the spot. The cover of Holiday in Cambodia was a nice surprise, too.

The set list was fairly similar to other recent appearances, and the moshpit was fairly active. Sadly, I didn't arrive early enough to get near the front. Good stuff, look forward to a few more reviews and my appetite has been sufficiently titillated to consider a trip to the frozen North at the end of November.