Newcastle, Thu 7th August (8/8/03)

Ben Woodcock:

I must admit to feeling a little hazy this morning. It's ten years or so since I last saw Nigel & Co in the flesh and I felt in the mood for celebrating.

Sitting outside the Cluny from 4:30, waiting for my wife to turn up, my already heady mood was upped a few gears when I saw the 'Birkenhead Car & Van Hire' Tour Bus arrive with a familiar pair of blokes sitting in the front.

After this, the Grolsch started flowing very freely and the Dukla Prague away kits turned up in force. I sat outside with my wife and an extremely nice bloke called Dave who I had befriended about 10 minutes earlier ('Hi Dave' if you're reading this).

The Gig! Fred Titmus kicked off proceedings, but after that, it all becomes a bit of a blur. I definitely remember Bob Wilson, Dean Freidman, Jarg Armani, Tending The Wrong Grave, Turned Up Clocked On, a fantastic version of Country Practice, Nerys Hughes and several others. The main thing, though was the fact that the band seemed to be on exceptionally good form. The sound was good from where I was (the front, mainly), and the crowd got into it in a big way - thanks to all of those who bruised and were bruised along the way - it felt awesome (though I'm too old for all of that really).

I took three Biccy-virgins along with me, and they were blown away by the whole thing, buying plenty of merchandise and laughing lots in the post gig rest outside the venue.

Now, I feel a bit deaf and a lot lighter than I was at the start of it all. I think my wife has burned my beer and sweat drenched clothes. My head feels like someone took a dump into it. Basically, a quality night! I only hope they come up to Newcastle sooner next time. If anyone can provide a set list, that would be excellent.