Newcastle, Thu 7th August (8/8/03)

Tricia Smullen:

I was aware of HMHB in Liverpool, but it wasn't until I moved to the North East ten years ago that I began to be exposed to their music on a regular basis by people I met up here. They've given me many moments of hilarity so I was really looking forward to the gig - the first time I've seen them.

I missed the opener as there was a queue to get in. They could have played a bigger venue; The Cluny is small and was sold out. The crowd seemed a bit subdued to begin with but that didn't take long to change and I received a pint of lager full on the head from the moshers during the all night garage song, (I'm crap with the proper titles). Me and my mates shouted for Harry Quinn only to be mocked by an aficionado behind us with the words; 'You're all living in the past and you've obviously never seen them before', (Oh dear, Should I go home then?). The highlights for me were Everything's AOR, Dukla Prague, Bastard Son Of Dean Friedman and - even though Nigel forgot half the words of my favourite - Paintball's Coming Home, it was in a highly amusing manner. I got my ironic lighter out for an impromptu version of Bright Eyes and the Saucy Haulage Ballads stuff sounded as good as anything, so I bought it after the gig. Well worth it.