Stourbridge, Thu 24th July (9/9/03)

Emily Cotterill:

Probably a bit late to send in a review for the Stourbridge gig, but I felt inspired to write after reading two reviews noticing the 'girls that couldn't have been more than fourteen' in the audience. Me and my mates are twenty this year and have been fans of the band for a while- oddly enough were quoted as being older than this when we went to see the band two years ago!

Anyway, great night, yeah that sound guy's useless, the sounds always bad there but 1966 and Venus in Flares still rocked the Rock Cafe. I wouldn't have said the crowd were that bad, although the I think the only reaction the supporting act recieved was of a sarcastic nature! That was a shame as they were okay and seemed harmless enough lads.

I'd like to know how Nigel managed to swindle a bag of crisps from the Rock Cafe. That must be a new business venture for them.

We were all really hoping the lads would come on for a second encore - could have done with hearing Dental Floss or Capel Curig, but on the whole a really good night, although if this youth following is to be encouraged you'll have to get in some smaller t-shirts as I've had to cut mine to size and I've made a right pig's ear of it.