Stourbridge, Thu 24th July (25/7/03)

Jill Hampson:

I have to say, the support band were good. I probably would have enjoyed them more if I hadn't travelled 100 miles to see HMHB. My sister and I decided that we wanted to take the drummer home because he looked like he needed looking after.

HMHB were of course amazing (and would you expect anything less?) Despite the desperate pleas from myself and my entourage (that's my sister, brother and nephew) to play Footsteps, we were refused as obviously it was too early to ask for it. We settled for such genius as Running Order Squabble Fest, 24 Hour Garage People which was followed by Vatican Broadside, provoking a very jumpy reaction.

As it neared the end, I had ran out of voice and settled for some more hyperactive jumping and they ended with I Hate Nerys Hughes. After they went off stage, there was much singing of "It's coming home, it's coming, paintball's coming home" but sadly when they had left the stage the second time, it was for good.

The venue was perfect for the gig and I doubt anyone was disappointed with the performance, even those who were begging for Them's The Vagaries.