The Academy 2, Manchester, 13th December (17/12/02)

Nancy Anderson:

Having been here last year on St Andrew's Day we were prepared for another night of first class entertainment from the boys. An added bonus to seeing Tranmere's Finest was only paying £3.70 for two pints and a double Jack Daniels. Could this have been that the barman was Aberdonian and my burd had a Dons T-shirt on? I'm certainly not complaining. Missed the 'special guest' as we had to make up for lost time in the bar beforehand (Christmas shopping and only a couple of small sherries). Did manage a wee skank to the most excellent filler music though - haven't heard The Selecter in years - Bo Selecta, I tell thee.

The auditorium was vast and not very silent as the band made their usual understated entrance. Knew it! Just as I predicted on Sunday that Dunfermline would thrash Aberdeen 3-0, The Light at the End of the Tunnel was #1 on the set list. A good choice, I thought, especially for those folks who'd never heard the Biscuits before. Not too offensive, no sweary words (I don't think) and it has a good beat. Well, it got me jiggy with it anyway. Then they played some other stuff to which we sang-along-a-Nigel en masse. No point in me writing them all down for you as I see quicker reviewers than myself have done so already. Anyway, I would never have remembered them by name as I'm not sad enough to actually memorise CD listings and link each of the tracks to their often tenuously related titles. Ooooooohhhhhh! Instead, I have composed a list of ones I'd like the band to practice for next time:

I Love You Because You Look Like Jim Reeves
An Outbreak of Vitus Gerulaitis
Our Tune
When the Evening Sun Goes Down

Just if they've got time, if they're not too busy.

Oh, and the one that has 15 minutes of Mantra filled Oompah in it. Thanks. Much appreciated.

And surely they could have been a bit more festive by playing It's Cliched to be Cynical at Christmas, innit? Or is that me just being wide? Sorry. I'm glad I wasn't tempted to buy one of those flashing Santa hats now.

Anyway, the band were most excellent and we thoroughly experienced the enjoyment. Even had a wee mini-mosh on the peripheries to Trumpton Riots - too much of a pussy to get in there though, might get my toes trampled. Unfortunately, we never saw that lovely barman again, so we paid the proper prices and got chatting to a really nice bunch of guys - ALL Scots, might I add - and scooped some more. Tequila Rose - a little bit pink, a little bit Baileys, another little bit Baileys. O-oh Manchester ...... so much to answer for.