The Boardwalk, Sheffield, 20th November (25/11/02)

Gus Woodhead:

Once again we headed to Sheffield, for the third time actually and for the third time got completely lost! Thanks god I had our lass in tow so that she keep an eye out for where we were supposed to be going. The route did become more apparent after stopping at the local Safeways who just sent us back where we had come from - typical!

Heidi didn't have a ticket so we ended up queuing up to get in, something not always seen at a Biscuits gig but this was a sign of things to come. We entered to an already quite full venue with the support band in full flow, god knows what they were called but they were pretty good all the same and the foot tapping warmed up. Enter stage left the biscuits at approx 920, ready salted in hand, from the kitchen come dressing room to no applause or cheers - not the most promising of starts but the boardwalk being like it is this did not fortunately continue.

I had taken my position up front while Heidi resided at the back, actually beyond the toilets (for those of you who know the venue), thus indicating a very full gig. As Nigel cranked up the band the anticipation was growing, questions in mind (that lurk) were will Nigel remember the words its been that long? Anyway the set got under way in fine fashion the band producing a fine array of noises. We got the mosh pit cranked up through the first song and kept it growing nicely through the night (apologies to those who I stood on!) leaving fully satisfied if not a little battered and bruised (dam monitor). The official set list (straight from Nigel's pocket) was as follows:

H quinn
light tunnel
r th mtn (lock up your mountain bikes)
tyrolean knockabout
bob wilson
san antonio
lark d
pancake day
f titmus
floreat inertia
slippers (end of the best things in life)
turned up
turn a blind eye
secret gig
dukla prague
*NR (New Rose - The Damned)
T riots

d floss
look dad
time flies by

Highlights of the set were New Rose which certainly livened things up, the forgetting of the words in 24 Hour Garage, crowd participation in Slippers. At least it wasn't a wasted journey for Heidi as she heard her two favourites round the mountain and 24hr (nice one lads). The set felt to be top heavy with new stuff at the time but actually it does all blend in quite well and was good to here live. There were one or two songs I would have liked to hear myself but we can't have it all now can we! Nigel offered up the usual quips and actually let the real musician in the group have a go swapping positions with Neil while Ken reminded Carl of how New Rose went.

The crowd was fully pleased and the encore went down really well and it almost looked like they were going to come again but then realised it was 1100 and well you know the story. My commendation for the night goes to guy who, was stood next to me for a while in the pit, who came sporting a referees top in my mind genius and individual, could this be the new Dukla Prague shirt?

The night was rounded off well with a conversation with the man himself who fully enjoyed the night and despite forgetting the words thought it went down well. Just one final question Nigel - what the hell is "Speg"?