Leeds review, Thu 23rd August (24/8/01)

Gus Woodhead:

Having attended the gig at the Irish Centre last year and the disappointing turnout it was always going to be interesting to see how many folks would actually turn out - I was not disappointed! Having (eventually) found the New Roscoe we entered to an already busy and hot bar area to be confronted by the most hippy hippy I have ever seen - O no I though real horror show - but atleast there were no floor dwellers, mind you there would have been no room to sit on the floor!

So the support band 5'4" were already in full flow and as Neil and I made our way through the crowd we got the full benefit of them and the probable reason why they are so named - the guitarist being approx 5'4" and in so being very "Bez" like in the way he danced around when not required. All in all they were good better than the support at Sheffield and played the type of music that I am sure many of us would appreciate for a (dare I say it) warm up act.

As the Biscuits took to the stage the crowds pushed forward and the room really did seem very full, we hadn't yet started dancing and we were sweating like pigs. Carl took to the stage carrying a tray containing approx. 8 pint glasses of water filled to near inch from full and a half glass full so as not to spill the water and ensure that all had a full glass to begin - genius!

And so they got under way apologising for their lateness due to Andy Townsend's tactics bus on the M62 with a very heart rendering and heat producing rendition of Irk. Although many had pushed forward I was the only person dancing from the off, a touch disappointing but people soon seemed to get the message and joined in two by two and we soon had a pretty animated mosh pit up and running. After pleasantries were passed from Nigel to myself with a "Good Evening Mr. Woodhead!" the set unfolded before us and it was one of variation and inspiration, you could say that it only contained four classics from DHSS and the majority from the newer albums but the songs that were played blended and rolled well. The full set contained as follows:



Monmre wasn't played due to Nigel deciding it was too hot to play that one and although Dukla Prague was called for pretty frequently through the night the band didn't oblige and did PRS instead. The encore was a good one but originally containing Faithlift - could have been interesting! Through out the set there was the obligatory side comments but all of which were noted on the set list - Mozart 4-9 fav., argos, Denver, waiting, bowling, wickerman broad beans, my heart aches, hollowships, Andy's tactics truck, viduka top scorer and kilshaws-baddiel!!!!! Add to this the conversation about Lincoln the team for division 3 (which is al oad of rubbish as they are still shit!) then we had a very varied night. I do get quite worried when I know what Nigel is on about some times like Mozart 4-9 fav!

Not since the Nottingham Boat Club had the weather been so hot on the night of a gig and we were all paying the price Nigel had sweat dripping off his arms from the off and we in the pit were totally drenched. Indeed Nigel recognised this asked Geoff to open the fire doors he duly came down and kicked them open and stood there like the most fearing door man around, half way through Lark but very apt timing for the following song that being Secret Gig!

By the time the encore was played the place was alive (with our Neil ending up on his arse and another lad losing his glasses!) and Trumpton really set the place alight I ended up over the very posh stage barrier nearly butting Nigel's guitar but it was a super rendition - Nigel obviously happy to let rip as he was nice and safe on the stage with no chance the monitors etc. being bashed all over the place.

The night was full of singing and dancing, fun and jollification, the best g ig for some time. A comment must go to the ladies down front who along side me withstood the full on battering we took all night, although they did require pulling back from the monitors several times as they disappeared over the barrier.

Roll on the next gig whenever and wherever it may be lets hope it is as good!