London review, Fri 20th July (28/7/01)

Andrew Wood:

11 out of 10.

It was The Bollocks.

Anyway had the afternoon off work, so had a few beers in the sun and by 7pm, all the late arrivals had left work so we had a few more beers to get in the mood. Coincidently, saw Ian Broudie in a pub nearby, just out of interest).

Arrived at the venue just as the band were coming on stage. Everything is a bit of a blur and it seemed like the set was finished in no time.

There were too many highlights to mention, but here are a few:

  1. Outbreak of Vitas Gerulaitis. Someone fell off the platform and bashed their head on a friend's foot (Liz), which is now bruised.
  2. Bob Wilson. I managed to spill the remnants of my drink over my friend Phil, in the excitement.
  3. Venus in Flares . Arrived up at front after spending the previous track pushing through. Spent the rest of the evening there.
  4. Four Skinny Indie Kids. I remember shouting this out very loud into Eadon's ear. It was his first gig and I was excitedly trying to convert him.
  5. Used to be in Evil Gazebo. Can't quite put my finger on it but, I laughed the whole way through even though I know every word of by heart.

Anyway to round off the Evening we managed to "Berty" backstage, meet The band, (who were amazingly polite, given that we had rudely barged into their dressing room unanonced). Came away with a signed Set list, scribbled on a bit of A4.

I've booked my train tickets for Leeds, even though We've got to be back in London for 9am the next day.

Say no more.