London review, Fri 20th July (25/7/01)

Leigh Hunt:

It was a blisteringly hot day and so Snooty Malcom and I took advantage of the nearby Tottenham pub to have a few pavement-side bevvies. Inside the beer was surprisingly cheaper than the pub and so we had a few more. Rocketgoldstar were the support, a three piece, a bit full of themselves with but with a few good tunes. Need a theremim though.

The Biscuits arrived on stage to a pretty full dance floor and once a few people had dropped their beer cans, it was nice and slippery and ready for moshing. I was too drunk to remember all the songs this time although most of the new ep was played. The only newbie I can remember was the Yes Show track which I'm looking forward to hearing on cd. There weren't too many old tracks played but audience participation was good and it looked like the band had a good time. Let's have a few more gigs darn' south please Nigel.