The Boardwalk, Sheffield, 20th June (24/6/01)

Gus Woodhead arrives with the set-list:

So once again to the Boardwalk - and yes this time we found it straight away and how refreshing to see a queue formed outside - looks like a good night, how right I was!

Once again we had Heidi and Cathy in tow willing to provide necessary support in the pre-gig build up (and a handbag to keep our keys and the pre-release copy of Editors Recommendation (cheers Geoff)). Unlike last time we did not have the floor dwellers in residence but we did have MJ Hibbert in attendance and another young lass with Bloody Elmo on her back - what is it with these girls???

Anyway the room filled and on came the first support "and first up was one of those tribute bands" well not quite but a bloody David Gray wannabe followed by and over emotional John Cooper-Clarke wannabe poet - good but come on Blyth Power were far superior last year!

On pushing forward to the front of the room several familiar faces began to appear and so entered the stage, in the usual disorganised fashion. Having had a side bet between the four of us as to what was the opening song I was pleased to hear I was right! For some reason Neil decided not to mosh tonight I myself was determined to go the whole night and that I did from the off, and may I say I was the only one?

So the band cranked up with "Harry Quinn" and what unfolded was a super set of old new and in-between stuff.....

R the Mtn
24Hr Gge
Song to the siren/slipknot
On passing lilac urine
Dead men
Deep house
Lark descending
Third track
4 Skinny

Bob Wilson - Anchorman
Look dad

So the play list read anyway and was correct except PRS being replaced by Time Flies By - super. The pit was in voice with the singing which was commented upon by Nigel on several occasions - not to mention his super retorts to the constant heckling especially from the guy from Rotherham (again) shouting "What did god give us Neil?" - get a life mate!

A highlight of the night was a guy getting on the stage and dancing to S.gig in a Bez-type manner - brilliant - he did try again later but was bundled off stage.

The moshpit was not what you would call a moshpit more of a dance floor which was fine as it was all really good natured jigging and "Ska" type knees up.

Having now listened to the songs over and over and over and over etc.....there is only one thing left to say - "there's a water board man in a water board (van) using up his hour in lieu!"

Roll on the next gig (shall not be attending London unfortunately) - oh and sorry for the delay (Mark) in publishing the set list!!!!