The Boardwalk, Sheffield, 20th June (24/6/01)

Richard Holmes:

Have just read second Bidget Jones book, so feel need to write this in manner of a diary entry....

Feel very lucky - Biscuit fan living in Sheffield when they do so few gigs but always seem to do the Boardwalk. Quite right too - it's a fine venue, even if there's no decent beer. It was quite a 'laddish', footie crowd atmosphere, partly due to the presence of Rotherham United fans goading the lads with the Millers' promotion to Div One whilst Tranmere went down to Div Two. We stood at the edge of the mosh pit trying to avoid the really pissed bloke in a denim jacket who wandered around pointing and dancing without ever putting his pint down and the huge dark haired stubbly son-of-Lurch guy who looked incredibly frightening. We told ourselves he probably wasn't really as aggressive as he looked, but then he proceeded to be more so!

Yet another good 'un from the lads. Yes, there were a few old favourites missing, but Trumpton Riots was timely, because Lurch junior had left by then, so it was safe to go to the front!

Couldn't see the point of the support acts - the singer/songwriter may be good but it wasn't his sort of audience and he had no stage presence anyway. The collective groan greeting the introduction of the second act as a poet summed him up. He lasted about 7 minutes by my watch. What's the point of a poet at a Biscuit gig - a band responsible for most of the greatest lyrics of the last 18 years?

I was quite impressed by the on-stage dancer - he was a HMHB version of Kermit. Maybe they should take him on tour with them.

Final thought - there were a few technical and lyric-forgetting problems - best solution to those - do more gigs!