Ashton review, Wed 25th October (26/10/00)

Gus Woodhead:

Wednesday night, raining and the Biscuits are playing - it must be Ashton and the Witchwood, way back in February the night was the same although on a Thursday.

Walking down the road from the car park we could hear the support pumping out some god dam awful noise but upon reaching the Witchwood it was not a god dam awful noise but some classic punk tunes which were gratefully appreciated. You know that the night is going to be a good one when entering a building there is 'Teenage Kicks', 'Ever Fallen In Love...', and 'Alternative Ulster' blaring out of the amps, they were indeed noisy and although not brilliant, enjoyable.

The Witchwood, for those whop have not had the pleasure is a cosy venue set at the back of the small pub, capacity so we are informed is 200, the room last night was well over half full, difficult to put a figure on it unlike last week! The stage is low, this is not Nigel's favourite style as the monitors are prone to moving, more on this later!

For the first time in weeks we had a gig where by there were no "studenty" types who just sit anywhere on the floor with little respect to others, this was a welcome relief.

So the Biscuits entered stage left and with a little tuning, a great amount went on throughout the night, we were informed that "this one is about being outside Lords and being on top", and so kicked in Fred Titmus. Always thought that opening with this was a mistake but with the songs that followed it was a perfect opener, Neil and myself jigged away merrily by ourselves, where were you all?O of course you didn't want to risk damaging the tiled floor by entering it!

Want panned out after this was a great, in fact the best I have ever heard, set that contained many great classics, at one point it appeared as though we had stumbled upon a pre-90's night, last weeks talk with Nigel must have done some good! - although M-6-Ster is still missing, although we were informed that this was taking some time to do as the present foursome have never done it live! - the last time it was performed Carl Alty was on drums!!!!!! Below is the set list which is not as correct as the last two weeks but I have made of it what I best can!

Best Things in Life
R the Mtn
Dean Friedman
No Tunes
W. Malarkey
Dead Men *
Bad Review
Venus *
24Hr Garage
A. Hammond
Uff Wassail
H. Quinn
Four Sk Indsk
Wraith #
Monmore *
Paintball #
C.Practice #

Worried Man
Faithlift #
Trptn Rts

* = Scribbled out on list
# = On list but not played

Along with the songs came the usual ditties all of which are more than welcoming and I am sure that these will feature in a song before too long! Although one which was not performed but on the set list was "Quantas airlines 100% safety record - admirable!"

When was the last time you heard Best things and Albert Hammond played live on the same night. These two really got the audience livened up and I think if I am not mistaken almost everyone in the room was singing along in full voice - Brilliant. After the quiet start the night really got going after Albert and the introduction of several females at the front is always very welcoming, although I was a little freaked at the sight of an Elmo rucksack staring at me and creating quite a mesmerised and hypnotic glaze on my face for quite some time - at least they joined in!

The band really seemed to be enjoying this gig , whether it be because they know they have 3 weeks off or that they are more comfortable with the older tracks we don't know but Ken was well into the songs so much so that he broke a string and played a full song well out of tune - what's new there then?, Neil even looked to be interested playing the intro to quite a few songs , in fact Albert H was a very rendering intro "Ta Neil", Nigel was in fine tune a giving his all , did quite well this week with the lyrics although M.Hospital got a bit mixed and the price of Pringles changed again!......During the encore with Trumpton Riots the mosh pit filled and it all got a little silly hence Nigel flee to the raised section of the stage for safety and the bouncers move in to protect there (so I am reliably informed by one of these gimps) £20,000 sound stage - HA £20 pallet stage from the local factory more like!

A note must go in here about Worried man, upon hearing it for the first time in Sheffield I reported it as being a Slade song, well when I wrote this I though it must be wrong how could the Biscuits have any links to Noddy Holder! and indeed it was, Nigel informed us last night that it is in fact a SLAVE song - sorry!

So drew to the end a great night and with the bands new groupies waiting for them to get photo opportunities, autographs and even one of Carls drum sticks - with a little persuasion - the bouncers intervened and through us all off the stage as it costs too much to have the public on there!!!!!

Nice one Chaps and thanks for changing the set around so that we hear something new and that you catch us out - now and then - it just goes to show you don't need a keyboard for the classics!

See you in Manchester with some special guests!