Leeds review, Wed 18th October (19/10/00)

Gus Woodhead:

Unlike last week we came across the Irish Centre far easier than the Boardwalk, straight off the main road, this in turn lead to us seeing the full show and take in the local beers......great treat!!!!

Upon entering the room we could not believe our eyes a "function" room with chairs and tables, as though there was a wedding on or similar. To compound this people were actually using them for the correct purpose, you can do that down the local pub chaps - come on! Apparently this is the room where the Indoor League was held several years since with Fred Trueman, I would not be surprised if half of the seat dwellers were still there from then!

Anyway, the support band Zane tuned up and with simple mathematics the audience total was calculated as being 75, o dear! Had the Leeds game really affected the turn out or was the location not the right one, perhaps the uni would have been better after all! - who knows. They started playing and compared to last week and Blyth Power they were not too good, perhaps a little harsh but they sounded like thousands of others. Imagine Travis, The Bluetones and Radiohead then there you have it Zane, indeed one track did start with the same riff as a Radiohead song the title of which escapes me. The one decent musician usefully informed us that due to the recent success of the internet they can the band can be found at www.zanepop.com or .co.uk, I can't remember now, so the start of the night was not great although there was potential for quite a legendary night the likes of which you can say, "I was there!"

So the Biscuits hit the stage and after a conversation with us, the stage dwellers, due to the disappearance of Carl looking for his drum sticks, which Nigel had due to his feeble attempt at playing them they kicked off in fine form with a different opener for a change - A lilac Harry Quinn, a good choice in my own opinion, Irk was demoted well down the list. The set list can be seen below, again in code, although correct!

H. Quinn
R the mtn
24 garage
No tunes
M. Hospital
F. skinny

Worried man

A great set to listen to, more and more classics seem to be appearing into the set and a very welcome and over due airing of Dean Friedman, a personal favourite and then for encore Bob Todd not heard for some time live. Once again Worried man, a truly great song, and squad. appeared , along with these came the usual ditties, and the truth behind the tale of bedgellet, which really dashed any grandeurs I had of that folk legend!

The floor and moshpit in particular were very quite, in fact we felt obliged to pull up a seat at the stage so as not to block the seat dwellers views, any way we didn't and several others joined us, we started with 3 but by the time we got to Irk the number had doubled and come the encore there was plenty of pushing and shoving between the 12 of us.

The gig itself was a good one shame there were so few people to witness this event , Nigel did well with his lyrics and Ken spoke for the second week in succession - Christ- and he even got the riff right that he has been struggling with for weeks! Carl was in fine form on the drums and Neil was his steady self on bass with the statuary cigarette.

Following the gig we were talking to Nigel and persuaded him it was a good idea to play a certain song next to open with next week he agreed and as such a definite favourite will be aired at Ashton, it's off Leaden Pall! I also tried to pass the remark of having more classics in the line which ok may be difficult due to no keyboardist but Teenage Armchair Honved Fan was mentioned and as it contains three chords this may be possible. So if this conversation does any good we may be in for a belter at Ashton or even Manchester.

The tees were selling slowly this week but I had no need to purchase any, can't wait for the ball markers, balls etc.......even talk of sexy lingerie inscribed with evil gazebo!!!!!, or kens face!

Just a point of interest chaps don't film Manchester as our Neil won't be there, if there is any justice in this world you will do another tour of Scotland and record that with hardcore followers on-board!

A big hello must go out at this point to Strange-Norman (the fat guy at the front!) had it not been for him then there would have been a mosh pit of 5!

See you next week!