Leeds review, Wed 18th October (19/10/00)

Neil Woodhead:

We found the Leeds Irish Centre easy, as we knew exactly where we were going for once. Entering the hall, we felt as though we'd arrived at some tea party. It was a large room containing 50 or so folk seated mainly at tables - all very prim and proper!

After a quick chat with Geoff at the merchandise table, local band Zane were opening up with a poppy feel to them, not dis-similar to Travis and the like. They were OK, but nothing like the previous week's Blyth Power.

The boys arrived on stage and were obviously struck down by the masses at the front - a massive three to begin with! The rest were still seated politely at the rear and along the sides. Is this really the Leeds I know and love? Nigel pointed out that it would be OK and was a much bigger crowd than that Tuesday night in Hornsey!

We were treated to H Quinn, R the Mtn, W Week, 24hr Gge, Squabblefest, Frampton, No Tunes, D Friedman (excellent) M Hospital, Squadrophenia, F Skinny, Wraith, Irk, Gubba, S Gig, M Safe, B Review, Uffington, C Curig, T Riots before an encore of the classic Worried Man, Hedley and Bob Todd.

Numbers improved and the moshpit (!) at the front improved dramatically and everyone seemed to be having a whale (or is that a Feltz) of a time. Those to the right of the stage were amazed at the poetic wit eminating from Nigel.

Talk after was of other items to compliment the Evil Gazebo Golf Tees, including that delectable young lady modelling lingerie with HMHB quotes on the front, male pouches with a picture of Ken on the front, golf balls and nice little ball markers - the lingerie seemed favourite with Nigel!

The possiblility of a new video was also mentioned, but please not at Manchester as I can't be there!!! I'm working that night and hopefully no-one will be trashing the murder mystery weekend!!

Great night once again, not far to travel back and ready for the Witchwood next week - see you all there for a rerun of this year's previous gig. Remember doors don't open until at least 9pm and the pub gets packed to bursting.