The Boardwalk, Sheffield, 11th October (16/10/00)

Gus Woodhead:


What an interesting night last night turned out to be! It took us forever to find the place I think we drove past it about 4 times up and down the bloody one-way system, the highlight of the round trip of Sheffield was a conversation with an asian taxi driver who told us the boardwalk was on th other side! and the observation of hookers plying their trade behind the police station, which begs the question?

Anyway upon entering the building it was evident that it could be a good night as there were a good body of people in the room.

Blyth Power were very good, having never herad them before I was pleasently surprised with the quality, support band and all that, unfortunatley we missed half of the set but due to my liking of them the CD was purchased, hell the purchase of a support band CD!

So on came the Biscuits, and once again we were not let down with a wide array of songs unfortunatley not too many classics though, fred titmus being the one exception: below is the play list word for word (suprising all present and correct which makes a change! and written on a paper plate), make of it what you will, and answers on a postcard to.....

Irk the purists
No tunes
R the mtn
Bad review
W. week
Ron's 22
Fear my wraith
Moody chops
Friday night
24hr Gge
SK indie kids
C. curig
U. wassail

W. man
F. titmus

If you do not understand any of these then you should have been there.

A mosh pit did eventually form but there were only a onsistent 5/6 as usual, better next week please, a comment goes to the two people who gave us a little jig during Blyth Power's last song, nice hair down - come over with a pony tail always goes down well! The majority of the jigging was good nature but who were the certain 6 drunken louts who kept getting rather carried away and shouting "What did God give us Neil?", what a set of arseholes, stay away from Leeds we would rather be without you!

Nigel once again forgot some words but this time it was to 3 songswhich was quite amusing although they were in the middle of songs which created a disjointed affair.

PRS was especially moving due to the fact that Nigel commented on the man "Alan from Barnsley" being stood at the front, this was lost on most spectators with a deathly silence, but those who knew gave a good show in the moshpit and the boys really put there backs into the number. This would of course been a home gig for him and would have been in fine form!

The worried man was new edition, turning to covers are we? It was good although no one knew it, Squadrophenia was once again in (Rons 22), along with the many ditties that are slowly coming to gether as a quality song!

A fine addition on Geoff's stall were the golf tees having purchased £5 woth these should last me till next week when we will see you all again.....except the "what did god give us Neil?" guy!