London Astoria, Fri 21st July (25/6/00)

Tracey Smith:

Phew - What a night! My first HMHB live experience.

John Otway - Take it or leave it - I left it. Not my cup of tea but obviously hit the mark for a lot of people.

HMHB - Brilliant from start to finish. Highlights - Irk The Purists (brought tears to our eyes), Trumpton Riots, Gubba Look-a-likes, seeing the real Slim Shady. Great atmosphere.

Mosh pit - stood on the edge (glasses & sandals not ideal for full frontal moshing) and when I did get trod on, people always apologised nicely.

1hr 20mins - of pure entertainment. The longest I've seen a single band play for ages - such a treat to get more than you expect.

Thank you - for a great night out. Would've written to say thanks to the lads earlier but have been kept away from my desk suffering from a cold - probably caught by getting all hot, sweaty and overexcited then venturing home in the chilly Oxford St evening air.

Can't wait for the next time.