London Astoria, Fri 21st July (25/6/00)

Chris Brown:

I must admit that I missed John Otway as my ex-goth mate dragged me into the Intrepid Fox in Soho, which is of course now a dirty rockers pub, so this lanky speccy get in a Belle and Sebastian t-shirt fitted in fantastically well!

As for the biscuit, well, what can I say, it's definitely up in the top 5 of my best gigs ever. The atmosphere was superb, 1000 faces all grinning together, the sound was great , even though I suffered from the incredibly loud bass too. Just about perfect.

My favourites: a blistering irk the purists, 4 skinny indie kids and the best of the lot "the lead singer of Slipknot went to Rome to see the Pope" - brilliant.

And sorry to anyone who witnessed me and my friends' tourette-like repeating of the line "Neil Morrissey's a knobhead" all through the club night afterwards which was fun too, if anyone stayed on I was the one waltzing to the Super Furry Animals on the stage......oh dear oh dear oh dear...

Oh yeah and my mate wants to thank whoever found his shoe in the moshing and quickly handed it back to him after he'd taken a nasty tumble!