Leeds Duchess of York, Mon 20th March (21/3/00)

Andy Sandall returns from the dead:

Back to the scene of many a triumphant appearance for what will be the last time, HMHB played one of their best ever performances at the Duchess in Leeds. Probably the most crowded I've seen the venue, although the fact that this is its final week, and that the support band seemed to be 'local favourites', may have helped.

Gig flew by even though they played for an good hour and a half, and credit should be given to the sound man who got a great balanced sound without blasting everyone's ears. Set was full of the usual suspects with the odd gem thrown in - the new stuff from the last Peel Session went down well, 'Irk the Purists' could well achieve classic status, although my personal favourite of the night was a rousing rendition of 'Fretwork Homework'. Less banter from Nigel than usual, surprisingly replaced by real intorductions to songs (title and even little explanations), although a couple of audience suggestions for songs were met with 'I could do it, but its this lot....'. And who could forget 'Henry VIII plays Monterey', and Nigel's feedback-enriched version of 'Greensleeves'...

A great night was had by all at a venue that will be much missed by all music fans up here. Only sour point was the lack of an encore - the crowd wanted one, the band wanted one, only the management didn't, which was a shame. Don't see why they weren't allowed on as everyne was up for it, and as the place is closing in two days time I don't see that it really mattered...