Hartlepool Studio, 10th February (11/2/00)

Mike Clausen:

The venue was quite a tidy one. The Studio, as its known, holds about 200 people, and is an old converted church, which is used by practising bands during the day and live bands in the evening.

I missed the support band as the girl on the desk said support would be on at 9:00pm followed by the Biscuits at 10:00pm, but in fact the Biscuits came on at 9:15pm, and I missed the support band as I was in the curry house!! The set opened with Fred Titmus and included quite a few songs from the DHSS album, Time Flies By to name one, but more notably, and one I haven't heard for years, Dukla Prague.

Irk The Purists was a new one to me, and for the first time in a while, they didn't play A Country Practice.

No mosh pit formed during the evening but there was lots of support and noise that greeted the end of each song!

Nigel was in top form, complaining that he was f****ng boiling on stage as he'd left his thermal underwear on! One classic line he came out with was "Tonight Matthew, I'm going to have a stab at George Harrison".

The sound was exceptionallly good, and a 3 song encore ending with the now traditional Trumpton Riots ending another spotless performance by the Biscuits.