Fibbers, York, Fri 20th August (23/8/99)

Gareth Senior:

Another top quality live performance handed out to the smaller than I expected audience. On Tour Drum Technician was there as usual and as the audience chanted "it's just like watching Brazil" We were treated to a mix of old, middle and new songs, the highlights for me being:

There were plenty of views exchanged with the audience the most memorable, and possibly controversial, being Nigel's view that Pele was overrated - "he missed from the half way line and missed when he dummied the keeper. Jarzinho was better. Holland 74/78 were a better side than Brazil." Then he give us the opening riff of Iggy Pop's "Lust For Life" with the words "there goes Johnny Rep" We also had a good riff of the Dead Kennedys' "Holiday in Cambodia" with the whole band joining in.

90 minutes of pure enjoyment for 7 quid, great night out - carry on touring.