Ashton-Under-Lyne, Thu 5th August (6/8/99)

Beth Fylan:

I went to the Ashton gig last night. They played the usual set list with some new stuff including (Tony) "Gubba Lookalikes", which is a masterpiece, and "Feedback" (or whatever it's called now) which was suitably brooding. "Country Practice" was more venomous than I've ever heard them play it before - plenty of shocked faces in the crowd.

Nigel sang a new fragment of a track to the tune of "She'll be Coming Round The Mountain". Verses were (approx.)

There is nothing quite as bad as washing sieves (repeat twice)
Unless you look like Garth Crooks

Do you turn the kitchen light off with your chin?
Do you turn the kitchen light off with your chin>
When you're carrying tea and toast and there's no-one else around
Do you turn the kitchen light off with your chin

Before the Gods that made the Gods were born
Oh before the gods that made the gods were born
Before the Gods that made the Gods were born ....
That's when you first got into the Manics