The Bullingdon Arms, Oxford, Sat 12th June (14/6/99)

Richard Craven:

Splendid gig on Saturday night at my favourite drinking den in Oxford, the turn-out was good, support band Frigid Vinegar reminded me of Box Frenzy era Pop Will Eat Itself (still it made a change from guitar bands trying to sound like the Beatles), the main attraction impressed (as ever) playing a solid mixture of material old and new (neglecting to play my own personal fave, 4AD3DCD but hey! you can't have everything). The Dylan send-up Goth On My Side was hilarious, splendid versions of Running Order Squabble Fest, Fred Titmus, You're Hard et al and if that wasnt enough they even found time to play Joy Division's Transmission. There seemed to be more people shouting for the more recent material on Saturday than at the shows in Oxford last year (i.e. life didn't stop with Back Again In The DHSS). Even managed to grab a few words with Nigel at the end (who was refreshingly down to earth, approachable and enthusiastic about the gig).

Great time had by all, received a few bruises after some eager soul accidently head-butted me in the moshpit but what a friendly, enjoyable gig, dragged along a few recent converts to the band who are now planning a visit to HMV to stock up on the back catalogue.