Wolverton Review (3), Fri 28th May (31/5/99)

James Sangster:

This being only the second HMHB gig I have ever been to, I had doubts in my mind weather it could live up to the first, let me tell you i was not disappointed! The Four Lads blasted off with Fred Titmus, which instantly stirred up the happy-looking crowd into roaring back "Fuckin' 'Ell It's..." at the appropriate moment; I knew then this was going to be a night I would not forget for a long long time!

Things just got better and better with a selection of tracks from across the years from The Best Things In Life to the new Feedback and a good mixture of favourites like Time Flies By and Albert Hammond Bootleg, plus a special number written by Nigel just that very afternoon (even if he did get a bit lost half way through!)

It looked like hard work for all of them, I was standing at the front, and could literally see the sweat dripping from Nigel's shirt. The band seemed happy though and definitely kept the crowd begging for more. At the point of playing Secret Gig, I was standing next to the nutter at the front who just went ape! But i think he summed up how everyone else felt.

Returning for the last three and finishing with The Trumpton Riots was just pure class, at this point I really did not think the night could get any better, but then I was lucky enough to get a song sheet from the stage after the gig. This now became a serious contender for the best night of my life! But to get Carl's, Neil's and Ken's autograph (sadly not Nigel's but next time maybe!)

In conclusion, Zak's Bar put on a cracking night, well done to all the staff and obviously to HMHB & co, see you all at future gigs which you know will be just as fantastic!