Wolverhampton review, Fri 21st May (23/5/99)

Dean Mitchell:

Wolverhampton: famous for Noddy Holder and that's it. I was a HMHB virgin until Friday night and how violated I was after this aural explosion of perfection.

I arrived way to early at the Varsity ( I get worried I will miss something ) and listened to the soundcheck, which was way more entertaining than the support band. HMHB eventually appeared on stage; after a short time Nigel arrived, and straight in to "Fred Titmus". I am unfortunately not the kind of sad tosser who writes down the set list, so just go to a gig and find out what they play yourself.

But go you must; HMHB are possibly the second best live band I have ever seen (who are the first, then? - Gez) and I am old therefore have seen many, so respect my aged judgement and buy all there albums and go to all there shows , do it NOW!