Coventry review, Thu 4th March (5/3/99)

Stuart Fairbrother:

Downstairs at the tiny Lady Godiva, aptly named "the Dive", was packed out. A sell-out which hopefully will enable the venue to spend some of the funds on a PA. The band had to use their own on this occasion and Nigel started off by apologising for the shite sound but your ears soon adjusted to the poor quality and an enjoyable night was had by a very appreciative crowd.

The set, early stuff in the main, went: FRED TITMUS / RUNNING ORDER SQUABBLE FEST / A LILAC HARRY QUINN / 4 SKINNY INDIE KIDS / FRIDAY NIGHT... from which the lines "Dad's a steward in the stand, brace of comps in his hand" took on a whole new perspective for a Leicester City fan such as myself. Last week at Filbert St. our stewards went on strike an hour before the Leeds game was due to kick off, blackmailing the club into letting them have a 'brace' of complimentary tickets for the Worthington Cup Final instead of the one they had been offered. The club had to oblige in order for the match to go ahead. ShowSec scum. Then it was the HAPPINESS, HAPPINESS ditty where Nigel manages to pour scorn on the Tindersticks and Radiohead. (Rhyming Tindersticks with Pick 'n mix and Radiohead with Garden Shed smacks, once more, of genius).

Then we had SECRET GIG / SIT DOWN STAND UP attacking the Comic Relief Mafia, and VITAS GERULAITIS whose lookalike was there. And it's a good job Chelsea (the cheating football team, not the Punk Band) were playing the same night else I would have been convinced Gianluca Vialli was in attendance too. Any one notice him?

KNUCKLE (working title) was definitely song of the night. Superb slap bass from Neil, references to Britannia Music Club, Sealed Knot Society and Luton v Millwall 85. A formidable piece which would not look out of place on radio playlists. Also featured: TURNED UP CLOCKED ON / BULLSEYE monologue / ALBERT HAMMOND BOOTLEG / RHONDA / VENUS IN FLARES / The GOLF CLUB SONG ("I'm a municipal man mahself") / PAINTBALL'S COMING HOME / TIME FLIES BY / TRUMPTON RIOTS.

Leaving the stage meant walking back through the audience so only Nigel bothered and left in his wake the crowd singing, almost in its entirety, the Bastard son of Dean Friedman. Nigel came back and the band obliged with an encore of DEAN FRIEDMAN and EVERYTHING'S AOR.

And that was that. A set lacking Monmore/PRS Yearbook/Tonight Matthew and with only 2 from "Four Lads". Where on earth was A Country Practice? Neil explained afterwards that they couldn't hear themselves which prevents them doing certain numbers therefore the new FEEDBACK was also dropped. Geoff has FEEDBACK lined up as a single release incidentally. "KNUCKLE" would be a better choice I feel. A punk disco and 1am bar seemed like a good idea at the time but was regretted at work this morning and what was with all the Ipswich shirts (hello Taidgh). A friendly lot the Cov. Biscuits fans, a lot friendlier than their footy counterparts.