Horn Reborn, St.Alban's 25th Feb 1999 (26/2/99)

Chris Rand:

Good gig, although frighteningly large anorak-quota in the fair audience of two or three hundred at least. Lots of very old favourites (Fred Titmus, Time Flies By, Venus in Flares, Trumpton Riots, Dukla Prague Away Kit) to please the folks down the front - more old songs than newer stuff, surprisingly. Biggest hits amongst the larger section of the audience who seemingly hadn't heard much from the band before were easily Paintball's Coming Home, A Country Practice and Turn a Blind Eye. Not much in the way of improv or new versions, although some of the likely suspects in Turn A Blind Eye have disappeared (e.g the Palmists) and there's a newcomer in the shape of "They came for the cast of 'Dad' starring George Cole, but I wasn't amongst them, so I did nothing..." Many of the songs really were very faithful renditions of the originals, although they lost it a bit in A Country Practice. Sadly no Everything's AOR.